California DMV News

California DMV News

mercedes benz dealership

Mercedes Benz dealership uses GPS tracker to locate car thief in Richmond – Richmond Standard

Photo courtesy of East Bay Regional Park District.

The driver of a vehicle that was stolen from a dealership in San Jose — who had reportedly evaded police pursuits in prior days — was arrested at Alvarado Park in Richmond on Tuesday, police said.

Just after 1 p.m. Tuesday, a Mercedes Benz dealership reported a GPS tracker in their stolen vehicle — a Mercedes GLE 450 — was pinging at Alvarado Park, Richmond police Capt. Al Walle said.

Responding officers from the Richmond Police Department located a man sleeping inside the vehicle, which was parked inside the Wildcat – Alvarado Staging Area. They detained him until East Bay Regional Park District officers arrived to assume the investigation, Walle said.

“The driver of this vehicle had lead multiple police agencies around the Bay Area on pursuits over the previous few days,” East Bay Park police said.

El Cerrito police had pursued the vehicle multiple times in the prior 24 hours, police added.

“The driver was positively identified and was known to flee and or fight/resist police officers,” police said.

The suspect was taken into custody without further incident and booked into jail on for possession of a stolen vehicle, outstanding warrants and possibly additional felony evading charges to follow, police said.
